Competition tracks for high school students in the 4th International Competition in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence Featured

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ISODS is announcing two additional competition tracks for high school students in the 4th International Competition in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, including Statistical Data Science, and Data Structures & Algorithms with Python. The content is suitable for their levels of experiences.

Starting in the 4th International Competition in Data Science & Artificial Intelligence, two additional competition tracks for high school students will be included, including Statistical Dat Science, and Data Structures and Algorithms with Python. Last year middle school students may participate.

Candidates should find more information below. Projects and posters participated in the Statistical Dat Science track can be referred to projects and posters in contests by the American Statistical Association ( and problems in the Data Structures and Algorithms with Python track can referred to problems at Leetcode (

Fees and procedures will be announced at a different point in time. Candidates can start preparing by learning statistics, reviewing the past projects and posters, as well as practicing coding problems. 

ISODS is calling for sponsorships from companies as well as academic institutions. We welcome companies and institutions that are interested in co-hosting. For contact, please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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