The Institute of AI & Data Science is in charge of the International Society of Data Scientists's worldwide mission in setting stardards for the field via our system of professional exams and certifications.
We offer the following professional professional exams with certificates:
Exam P: Probability
Exam STAT: Statistics
Exam DM: Data Mining
Exam DB: Database Management
Exam DSA: Data Structures and Algorithms
Exam BDAM: Big Data Analytics and Management
Exam NLP: Natural Language Processing
Exam DV: Data Visualization
Exam ML: Machine Learning
Exam DL: Deep Learning
Exam TA: Text Analytics
Subject exams that measures candidates’ knowledge of a particular field of study are offered based on demand. It helps candidates stand out from other applicants by emphasizing knowledge and skill level in a specific area.
There may be several exam modes we can offer
- Online exams proctored via webcams with our proctors
- Online exams proctored via webcams with third-party proctoring services (such as ProctorU)
- On-site exams at exam sites of our partners (interested to-be partners should contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)
There are following designations offered by the Society.
I. The Junior Fellow Data Scientist & Junior Fellow AI Scientist (JFDS & JFAIS): ISODS Junior Fellow is a distinction reserved for ISODS members whose have passed all the exams for ISDOS Junior Fellows.
II. The Associate Fellow Data Scientist & Associate Fellow AI Scientist (AFDS & AFAIS): ISODS Associate Fellow is a distinction reserved for ISODS members whose have passed all the exams for ISDOS Associate Fellows.
III. The Senior Fellow Data Scientist & Senior Fellow AI Scientist (SFDS & SFAIS): ISODS Senior Fellow is a distinction reserved for ISODS members whose have passed all the exams for ISDOS Fellows.
Sample certificates for these distinctions are as follows
Professional designations in the Society are earned by completing a rigorous system of examinations. There are exams in several areas such as probability, statistics, data mining, databases, data structures, big data, natural language processing, data visualization, etc. It is common for Data Science students to work full-time in the profession while studying for the exams.